We support and help you achieve your nutritional and sports goals. We provide you the tools to meet and live your HEALTHY LIFESTYLE



Gustavo Lezama


"I have been doing triathlon for 23 years, in September of this year it will be 24 years since I entered this sport that caught me. In this time I have done more than 85 triathlons of all distances (sprint, Olympic, 70.3, Ironman) and I like them all, they all have their own challenges and charms.
On this occasion I want to thank Alina Hanschke as my nutritionist. Since she has taught me to feed myself better. Without a doubt you can always improve and learn."


"I want to thank my Nutritionist Alina Hanschke for her professionalism and dedication ... That you can write a thousand times for doubts and she will always answer, because I have been with her for 4 months and I feel phenomenal and 14 days with the new eating plan and I am doing great !! !! Thanks for your advice and your tips !!! Believe me it is not easy to take my case !!! And I congratulate you because until now after 5 nutritionists you are the only one who is achieving it and I feel entirely HAPPY and grateful !!!!."



How to forget my first triathlon in Veracruz 2011, the great work team that organized to experience something that we literally did not know what we were going to, without imagining that a great door was going to open in my life.

I started, first relays after sprinting until I reached the Olympic, unfortunately my diet and care were not adequate, it was when some friends recommended me to visit Alina.



"Three months ago, feeling that despite carrying around 25 triathlons, including 6 half and an Ironman, something was missing ... I did not finish feeling completely good neither in training nor in competitions. And it was that I decided to take the advice of a champion! Not only did I reach my goal competition in my ideal weight, the feeding during the training, previous and even in the competition were decisive to feel 100% at all times ...... Alina, Thank you very much."

Sol Karina


Having a diet that suits my training, lifestyle and skills has helped me to have many changes in habits ... Now it is a complement that I do not intend to leave because they had to spend many years to return to have a first place in a triathlon, which was what I experienced in the last competition I had, the Acapulco Triathlon.
Without a doubt, the Alina NutriSport diet has become the complement that my training lacked.

Milton Iván Rodríguez


I have always tried to be a person dedicated to everything I do, but in my sport a little more, although there was something I didn't pay much attention to, it was the subject of good food. Mainly because I had the idea that going to the nutritionist was to limit myself in food. It was not until one day my body couldn't take it anymore and as a recommendation I arrived with Alina Nutrisport, I realized that eating a well-balanced diet at the right times would change my life.

Juan Manuel


" After analyzing my competition, I reach very interesting conclusions, I improved my time 18 minutes from one year to another, which resulted from a better balance between my diet and training. Also thanks to that balance I arrived with 6 kilos less than the year Lastly, at the same time, my aerobic capacity improved a lot and the recovery time of my body was much better. In short, very happy, but not satisfied because there is much ahead.
Thanks Alina."

Ricardo Méndez


" Since I decided to practice this hard sport (Triathlon) I knew that I had to approach a professional to have the corresponding advice. For me it is very important to feel and see the improvement in my speed, strength and endurance, I have achieved this with a proper diet to my weight, height and physical activity. Thank you so much for making this happen! Thank you very much!
Thanks Alina.
Sincerely. Ricardo Mendez



I made sure to fully comply with my hydration, diet and pre-competition training, and trusting 100% in your applied experience in me. It was my first time at the podium and I couldn't believe it! 1st PLACE in my category !!! Thank you for your attention and dedication, we have many events, adventures and triumphs ahead!

Jorge Zenteno


"Thanks for all the professional support you gave me, which made the path to Ironman easier and with more certainty, more goals will come to be accomplished ... THANK YOU!"

- Jorge Zenteno.

Rogelio Cariño Pozo


Congratulations on your 2nd place in Fuga Isla de Sacrificio 2013, for your excellent time and for your discipline and effort!

More Accomplishments Coming

Cinthia Macedo Gardea


"I felt excellent in the race, the food has helped me a lot and everything I did during the race helped: sportbeans, accelerade, water, breakfast, dinner ... Everything!

I feel even more eager ... how bad there is now triathlon to Veracruz. I still want to improve, especially in swimming and on the bike. And lower that sprint time to less than 1:20 !!"

Daniel Velázquez


Daniel managed to break three personal records! We share your words:

I want to thank you for all the follow-up that you have given me, in the end we have achieved the objective, finding the ideal weight that allows me a better performance in the competitions.
See more ... Facebook



This photo is my most recent participation in the XC racing series (6km) that takes place in Monterrey, last November 30 in a place called Carrilejo in the municipality of García, N.L. In previous races he had obtained third place, recording times of around 5:50 min / km. During the development of the serial I started with Nutrisport my nutrition and training program having great progress.
See more ... Facebook

Roberto Marin


He won 3rd place in the Valle de Bravo Triathlon, and qualified for the London World Cup!

Nutrition Counseling

In-Person and online



  • Comply with the energy demands necessary for the patient's daily life.
  • Improvement of body composition, maintaining the percentage of fat and muscle within the healthy and desired ranges.
  • Weight loss will be natural which ensures the health of the person, without creating metabolic damage.
  • Greater disposition of the energy nutrient storage to keep the patient energetic and vital.
  • Use of nutrient energy.
  • Learn to eat the right amount of food types for yourself.
  • Learn how cardiovascular diseases are created and how to prevent them.
  • Support patients and make sure they feel energized most of the time and improve their health.
  • Reach and maintain your ideal weight.
  • Improve your immune system.
  • Be in better shape and more active.
  • Control the levels of sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol, which will reduce the risk of chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Increase life expectancy.
  • Promote and adapt to a “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE”


All meal plans are customized to the patient's desired goals, as well as adequate to the energy demands, which will not create rebounds.



It is a branch of nutrition, which is mainly responsible for meeting the energy demands of training the appropriate way, as well as helping maintain an ideal physique suitable to the type of sport that is practiced, however you must have full understanding about this branch, since instead of helping and improving the patient, it can harm him for life. In accordance with the above, the need was created to provide athletes and people who perform physical activity, nutritionists specialized in sports nutrition, with the necessary knowledge to safeguard the patient's health and improve their sports performance, complementing their training for optimum performance.



  • Comply with the necessary energy demands for the training and type of daily activity of the patient.
  • Improvement of body composition, maintaining the percentage of fat and muscle depending on the type of exercise the athlete performs!
  • Greater disposition of the energy nutrient store.
  • Use of nutrient energy, both in training and in 24 hours.
  • Reduce the feeling of fatigue.
  • Maintain energy during the day, even if hard training has been done in the morning.
  • Accelerate the regeneration of damaged muscles by reducing risks of disease and injury during training periods.
  • Learn to eat the right amount of food types for yourself.
  • Accelerate the process of adjustment and recovery between training sessions.
  • Provision of sufficient vitamins and minerals for biological processes.
  • Post-workout recovery support to increase performance.
  • Provide nutritional and hydrating strategies during training and / or competition.
  • Dehydration prevention during competition and / or training.
  • Guidance on the use of adequate supplements.
  • Create correct eating habits.
  • Increased endurance, concentration, strength, ability and recovery.
  • Promote and adapt to a “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE”


All meal plans are customized to the patient's desired goals and according to their training plan.


Custom Workouts

Online fitness plans

  • We plan customized workouts.
  • They are customized depending on your objectives adjusting the training to both personal and professional life.
  • Experience of all levels in race, cycling and triathlon.
  • We will help you achieve your goals by applying fair charges in each training period.
  • Tests are conducted in your disciplines to help you get your training Zones.
  • The planning, management, quantification and monitoring of training plans are through the professional system and the TRAINING PEAKS APP (which is free), through which AlinaNutriSport as the athlete, will be able to have a continuous monitoring of the training from your mobile or computer.
  • Through the TrainingPeaks APP you can synchronize your watch or GPS system that you use with your training, having your training on your watch to make it easier for you to follow during your training session.
  • Like your watch, it can be synchronized with the APP to download the workouts. If you have a potentiometer in cycling, the plans are based on Watts Zones.
  • We offer personalized attention through email WhatsApp and Facebook groups closed to the NutriSport Active team such as NutriFit. Atheists (Athletes who train with us) and NutriLifestyle (Athletes who train and obtain nutritional plan with us).
  • You will receive your weekly training adjusted to your needs, we adapt it if necessary due to unforeseen issues.




  • We have the assessment service of "Lactate Measurements"
  • The capacity of the metabolic energy system is assessed through a maximum stress test, with a sampling of lactate in capillary blood.
  • The tests can be done in band, track, bicycle or roller / trainer.


Usefulness of the test:


  • Know exactly which energy system works at different intensities.
  • We define individual training zones for both Heart Rate and Power (in case of Cycling).
  • It allows to know what state the energy system is at.
  • It indicates which energy system should be stimulated to improve performance.
  • The anaerobic threshold is determined exactly.
  • It is a guide for adjusting workloads and intensities.






If you slept well yesterday, don't worry today

Enjoy your training

Enjoy your training

Just relax

Have a checklist of the things you need to compete ready

Prepare your precompetitive diet and your meal for the day of the competition from a week before

Don't waste what you achieve with the Workouts

Return to the kitchen

Use Supplements Wisely

Combine the 3 nutrients every 3 hours

Eat a Rainbow Frequently

The smaller the number of legs, the better the source of protein is.

Return to Nature

Eat "Good Fats"


Have breakfast every day

Correct planning of training and competitions

Avoid germs after strong training or competition


Self massage

Sports massages

Loosen and Stretch




Preseason 4/4 - Time to get a Medical Exam

Pre-season 3/4 - Pre-season Exercises

Preseason 2/4 - What to do in the Preseason

Preseason 1/4 - Date your Goals

222 590 2838
calle Street Cristobal Colón 504,
Santa Cruz Buenavista
72170 Puebla, Puebla

